Archive for December, 2012

Advent Calendar Countdown to Le Mis— love this customer’s story…


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We met this fun new customer the other day– she was looking for an advent calendar. Here is Aliza’s story- LOVE IT!! Had to share…

My boyfriend–a former military officer (picture above) and current trucking executive; a former builder of jeeps and current turner of pens; a former New England winter surfer and current New York kiteboarder; a former grower of mustaches and current cultivator of beards; a former rifle competitor and current archery whiz; a former brewer of craft beer and current appreciator of fine scotch–loves Broadway musicals. And his favorite–former, current and for all time–is Les Miserables. 
Since teaser trailers began popping up about a year ago for the upcoming Hollywood version, he’s been tracking them with a seriousness of purpose. He’s been making plans for where we’ll see it on Christmas Day (after we eat our Chinese food.) He’s been counting down the days. But until this Saturday, only figuratively.
Thanks to Annie’s Blue Ribbon General Store, what was formerly figurative is currently literal. For the rest of December, Jesse will use his very first Advent calendar to count down the days to the opening of Les Miserables. 
(And I found out about this wonderful store from my co-worker Careyanne, a friend of Annie’s. Her husband–a Les Mis fan, as well–will also be counting down the the days with an Annie’s Advent calender of his own).
Thanks soo much Aliza and Careyanne!
Still need a Chocolate Advent Calendar?? We’ve still got a few– check them out here

December 2012